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About us | LA VILLA

LA VILLA mission & values

Who we are

The LA VILLA team is unmatched. We’re industry leaders, always on the pulse of the newest technology, cuisine and culture, on a mission to make every stay with us memorable.

picture of Katja Lindo, the founder of la villa hotel
Katja Lindo
portrait of Katja Lindo, the founder of la villa hotel

Katja Lindo

portrait photo of margerete, a worker at la villa hotel

Margarete Schultes

close up of kristin, a worker at la villa hotel

Kristin Böttger

a woman, Lisa, walking towards the camera and smiling

Lisa Oberndörfer

photo of betty, a worker at la villa hotel

Bettina Brück

photo of Thorsten, a worker at la villa hotel

Thorsten Brück

photo of Sandra träger, a worker at la villa hotel

Sandra Träger

picture of Christoph Gessner, a worker at la villa hotel

Thorsten Brück

LA VILLA's Mission: Guiding Our Gratitude, Responsibility, Passion and Excellence

photo of Margarete and Katja leaning up against each other and smiling into the camera

At LA VILLA, we strive to positively contribute to society through our work and create a valuable experience for our guests. Our outlook and aims include:

  • Gratitude and appreciation: We treat everyone with respect and appreciation, acknowledging the invaluable contributions of our colleagues, guests and partners.
  • A sense of responsibility: We always act in accordance with our values ​​and bear responsibility for our actions and decisions.
  • Passion and commitment: We approach our work earnestly and enthusiastically and meet every challenge with dedication and optimism.
  • Quality at the highest level: We strive for excellence in all work areas and always do our best.

three workers of la villa hotel, each of them having a glass of wine and smiling into the camera

Become a part of an exceptional team

chef cook holding up a spoon and pretending its a microphone

A journey through history: uncover the timeless elegance of our 165-year-old villa

an old photo of guests celebrating a wedding at la villa hotel
an old photo of guests celebrating an event at la villa hotel
Standard Contact Formular | LA VILLA

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We ♥ to help you. If you have any doubts or questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Via ✓phone ✓mail or ✓contact form 

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